Indication : Palatable Restorative general helth tonic useful for loss of energy, nevousness, & lack of vitality of adults. it removes weakness, Insomnia, Anaemia, Proper Growth, more energy. & Vigour, Debility after prolonged
Composition : Each 5ml, Lycopodium Q y aif wa 1 O.ob mi Damiana 00.07 mL, Kal Prosi x “ATS PIAS SCALAR CAI ace acer BAT etteas | WRN oom 25 me ., Natrum Phos 1 X 25 mg., Ferrum Phos alent ays apa = aa At 1x 35 mg., Calc Phos. 1X25 mg. In Colour : WEA | SAAT ATS AA ast Te Arf eae Caramel. : un of Ruspberry & Alcohol content 5.3 % v/V
Dosage : Tow Teaspoonful twice daily before Principal meals or as di d by the physician.

SKU: syrup-kalmegh Category:


Indication : Palatable Restorative general helth tonic useful for loss of energy, nevousness, & lack of vitality of adults. it removes weakness, Insomnia, Anaemia, Proper Growth, more energy. & Vigour, Debility after prolonged
Composition : Each 5ml, Lycopodium Q y aif wa 1 O.ob mi Damiana 00.07 mL, Kal Prosi x “ATS PIAS SCALAR CAI ace acer BAT etteas | WRN oom 25 me ., Natrum Phos 1 X 25 mg., Ferrum Phos alent ays apa = aa At 1x 35 mg., Calc Phos. 1X25 mg. In Colour : WEA | SAAT ATS AA ast Te Arf eae Caramel. : un of Ruspberry & Alcohol content 5.3 % v/V
Dosage : Tow Teaspoonful twice daily before Principal meals or as di d by the physician.