Indication : It helps to cure poor UTS OTF VAI SER – appetite, epigastric discomfort flatulence fees hs 1 AC SM ws oy due to indigested food, acidity, We SAE HE AG ARIA FN Sess way vortngn mang SC OCTET DOC tor of pregnant women.
Composition : Each 5 ml. Contains: ARAN, WS, Ue OH, ate SITET, Wd: aA, Nux Vom Q 0.10 mi., Carica Papaya Q 3 aad aa sts aa 0.10 mi., Nat Carb 3X 60 mg., Ammon SETH, wait . ater Fea Hydr. 3X20 mg,, Carbo Veg. 8X 20 mg,, AGM ANS Vet Qeat Figs Wet Gee SM, Ss Syrup Q.S., Purified Water Q.S., Colour <Sfaat AINE a «AT at Pawaéi Caramal, Alcohol Content 3% v/v.
Dosage : Adult:2 Teasponfull, Children : 1 Tespoonfull, 2 times a day after meal or as directed by the physician.