Indication : An efficacious medicated HomoeoPathic Massage oil 0f the babies & Children, development (Antony smooth skin, Muscles & bonesin growing children, It suppliments the detticiencies tit natural Vit & 0, the growing infants & children. Usetuli in “toning up” the blood Vessels & nerves too. Immensely helpful in muscular cramps myotonia In cases of rickets, neuropathies, dystrophic. myotonia 4 other neurological problems & also emaciation
Composition : Each 5 ml. Contains Ara. dirachla Indica 0 0.015 mi., Camphora 0 0-015 “d ‘614015 P4. 0.915 rN., CUICtIMalliVa 0 0.015 till,.01fturn Jac Abitibi. 0 0.15 ml., Oleum Santali 0 01. Mi., OiNe 011 kachis Oil O.S., TembIllth Oil 0.S , Lanoline 0.S.
Dose  : Oil to be massaged on body & face twice daily at least Half to one hour before bath

SKU: oleum-jac Category: