Indication : An excellent preparation use for Amenorrhoea Dysmenorrhoea, Metrorhoegia, Menorrhoegia, Heart Burn Sleeplessness due to amenorrhoea, this remedy !ielps to cure those Diseases and call to Natural order.
Composition Each 5 mi. Contains : Saraca-Ind. 0 0.20 ml., Abroma Aug 0 0.20m1., Pulsatilla 0 0.20m1., Gossypium 0 0.10m1., Nets F 0 0.10m1., Arjuna 0 0.10m1., Viburnum p. 0 0.10m1., Kali Phos 4x 10mg., Alcohol Content 11.6% v/v
Dosage : 2 Teaspoonful 3 times a day or as directed by Physician

SKU: asoka-tonic Category: